torsdag den 17. maj 2012

Angie Dickinson in " Rio Bravo"

1808 x 2228

1940 x 2480

1437 x 1800

1588 x 2048

1564 x 2048

1539 x 2048

1573 x 2048

2555 x 2048

1801 x 2337

1658 x 2048

3000 x 2958

Angela Lansbury in "The Picture Of Dorian Gray"

2531 x 1942

2757 x 3425

1934 x 2518

Amanda Blake in "Gunsmoke"

2030 x 3000

2052 x 3000

2023 x 3000

2042 x 3000

2352 x 1879

onsdag den 18. januar 2012

mandag den 25. juli 2011

Rita Hayworth in "Gilda"

1300 x1759

1822 x 2489

1764 x 2503

1250 x 1590

Marilyn Monroe and Jane Russell in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"

1525 x 2048

2244 x 3356

2516 x 3172

2076 x 2472

2333 x 2948

2084 x 3095

Adele Jergens

2717 x 3335

Arlene Dahl

2092 x 2774

Esther Williams

2288 x 4119

1955 x 2534

Betty Grable

2005 x 2522

Ann Miller

1984 x 2480